Marketing Your Business Through the Coronavirus Pandemic - Q&A Session
Marketing has become a bad word, mainly because a lot of people do it very poorly. But the reality is, marketing should be about telling the world what you have to offer and letting them decide whether or not they need it.
But now we are in an interesting time to say the least. How do you market your business when the world changed seemingly overnight? How do you market your coffeeshop when no one is allowed inside? How do you market your movie theatre when the government has mandated that you close? How do you market your industrial solution when your workers aren't allowed at their machines? That's what we're going to help you answer.
We don't know the exact issues that you're struggling with so we have created a forum to allow you to ask questions about how to market your business through the pandemic. We will give you our opinion on how you should handle the biggest struggles of marketing your business as we all try to steer our way through these unknown waters.
I hope you'll bring your questions and join us on Tuesday, April 14th, 2020 on Facebook Live at 9am.
We are all in this together, so let's share our questions and figure out how to come out on the other side of this thing better than we are today.