Monday Myths - Not Enough Time

Myth: "I don't have enough time."

Truth: You do have enough time, you’re just not using it wisely.

You have just as much time as everyone else.

I know what you're saying: "Well I have a family that I need to spend time with." Or, "I run my own business and I work 100 hours a week." Yes... but...

It's not about the number of hours you have available (we can't change that), it's about where you choose to SPEND your time. This isn't new. You've heard it all before, so why aren't you living by it? Why aren't you organizing your day? Why are you telling people "yes" when you should be telling them "no"? Why are you still catering to everyone's whim?

It's ingrained in our culture and most people are afraid to change it. Most people. Are you "most people" or are you serious about your business?

If you're serious, here are 3 things you can to do get your time back:

  1. Turn notifications off on your phone. You don't need most of them.

  2. Block schedule your day into large sections of distraction-free time.

  3. Stop giving your time away to everyone that wants it.

Are you going to keep giving your time away and then saying you don't have enough, or are you going to take back your time?

It's up to you!


Navigating Uncertainty


Tools for Tuesday - SmartSheet