Which path are you on?
You need to decide what path your company is on.
There are really two options:
(1) The Commodity Path: This is the path most often traveled. This is the path of products and sales pitches and taglines and discounts. This path involves constantly competing on price and risking the loss of customers when a new widget hits the market. Don't misunderstand, this path works. It worked for Amazon. It worked for Wal-Mart. It's working for many others. The downside of this path is that it requires scale. Wal-Mart doesn't work if it doesn't exist in thousands of locations. Amazon doesn't work if it doesn't offer thousands of products. If scale is your goal and you love selling (or have an incredible sales team), this path might be best for you.
(2) The Brand Path: This path involves building a brand that the world can connect with emotionally. It involves knowing exactly who you are and why you exist. This path involves clarity and creativity and honesty and hard work. This path isn't for the faint of heart. This path... this is the path that leads to change in the world and affects the way people see themselves. This is the path for those that demand the world be left better than they found it.
There is not a "right path" and a "wrong path." The only danger is being confused about what path you're currently walking. So, what path is YOUR business on?